=======Tutorials and Other Resources======= On this page you will find a list of useful Tutorials and Other Resources to help you with writing Image Descriptions. If you have any questions, post your question on the [[public:nnels:etext:images:alt-text_q_a|Alt-Text Q&A]] Go to [[public:nnels:etext:images:writing_tip_point_form|Writing Tip: Using Point Form Technique]] for a breakdown on how you can start the writing process =====Webinars===== * [[https://daisy.org/news-events/articles/describing-images-in-publications-w/|Describing Images in Publications]] DAISY webinar that introduces Image Descriptions. * [[https://daisy.org/news-events/articles/art-science-describing-images-w/|The Art and Science of Describing Images]] DAISY webinar that goes into Editing Alt-text. * [[https://daisy.org/news-events/articles/art-science-describing-images-part-2-w/|The Art and Science of Describing Images Part Two]] DAISY webinar that goes into describing Maps, Graphs, and Charts * [[https://daisy.org/news-events/articles/art-science-describing-images-part-3-w/|The Art and Science of Describing Images Part Three]] DAISY webinar that goes into describing Artwork and Anatomy * [[https://daisy.org/news-events/articles/implementing-extended-descriptions-w/|Implementing Extended Descriptions in Digital Publications, Best Practices and Practical Advice]] DAISY webinar on how to create Long Description in an ebook. This is a bit more technical and talks more about how to code the pieces of the book and where to put the information. * [[https://youtu.be/oSdz6KZpLjs|How to describe complex images]] Benetech webinar on long descriptions. * [[https://accessiblelibraries.ca/resources/panel-discussion-creating-accessible-social-media-and-marketing/|Accessible Social Media/Marketing Panel with Alt-Text Writing Practice Session]] Accessible Libraries presentation on SM, but there is a great panel discussion at the 35 minute mark about how to describe images and what is important. =====Tutorials===== * [[https://poet.diagramcenter.org/|Poet Training Tool]] provides an interactive tutorial on how to describe all types of images, and is great to practice your writing skills! * [[https://www.w3.org/WAI/tutorials/images/|W3C's Tutorial on Images]]focused more on websites, but has useful tips for describing symbols and images in sequence. * [[https://4syllables.com.au/articles/text-alternatives-decision-tree/|Text alternatives - a decision tree]] provides you with a series of questions to ask yourself on when and how to write image descriptions. =====Websites===== * [[https://www.accessiblepublishing.ca/a-guide-to-image-description/|AccessiblePublishing.ca Guide to Image Description]] provides general guidelines for publishers. This page was created by our accessibility testing team and is the current gold standard for Alt-text description in Canada. * [[https://apln.ca/category/image-descriptions/|Accessible Publishing Learning Network]]: Lots or resources on Image Descriptions and more! Leah Brochu, a former NNELS Coordinator, helped edit and write a lot of this content. * [[http://diagramcenter.wpengine.com/samplebook/nav.xhtml|Accessible Image - Sample Book]] provides samples of alt-text * [[http://diagramcenter.org/table-of-contents-2.html|Image Description Guidelines]] guidelines similar to our documentation. * [[http://kb.daisy.org/publishing/docs/fxl/spreads.html|Multi-Spread Images]] How to describe images over 2 pages. * [[http://kb.daisy.org/publishing/docs/html/images-desc.html|DAISY Knowledge Base Alt-text]] golden standard in writing image descriptions in ebooks. It is more technical, and shows how the code works for image descriptions. * [[https://www.textboxdigital.com/imagedescription|Image description examples from textBOX]] has samples of image descriptions. [[public:nnels:etext:images|Return to Images main page]]