======Processing book metadata for NNELS===== Steps for cataloguers to clean up and process MARC record sets: - Update the MARC record set, follow the steps here: https://bclc.wiki.libraries.coop/doku.php?id=public:nnels:cataloguing:update-marc-records - Export your MARC record set as XML, follow the steps here: https://bclc.wiki.libraries.coop/doku.php?id=nnels:documentation:content:publishing:marc21-marcxml - Upload the MARC XML set to Drupal, follow the steps here: https://bclc.wiki.libraries.coop/doku.php?id=nnels:documentation:content:publishing:upload-marcxml - Parse the MARC XML set in Drupal, follow the steps here: https://bclc.wiki.libraries.coop/doku.php?id=nnels:documentation:content:publishing:parse-marcxml - Double-check that NNELS genre terms have been added in the genre harmonized public field in Drupal