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BC Services Card Research Project

Original Proposal

Patron information in Evergreen

Patrons are normally registered via the EG staff client, by staff at the circ desk (docs). We also have custom scripts for importing patron records from student management systems for a few post-secondary libraries. There's no official API or process specifically intended to enable third-party applications to create/import/validate patron records (EG needs more third-party-friendly APIs generally), but there's a feature request to include a standard import script: LP#1786524

Several other Evergreen consortia (PINES and KCLS) use Quipu's eCARD product which has some overlap with BC Services Card use cases. There's been some effort to bring their Quipu integration into mainline Evergreen, ideally in a generic way that could also support similar products: LP#1902937 (there's some discussion here of account renewal requirements at non-Sitka libraries which may be of interest too).

Evergreen also has a patron self-registration feature (main docs / admin docs). We're not using it, but it's a good fit for this project; if nothing else, it provides a model for how to go about creating patron-initiated "pending" accounts in EG.

There's also a feature request for patron address validation using third-party services: LP#1569889

There is a lack of good documentation on how external applications can use EG's existing APIs, in part because those APIs were primarily designed to be used by EG's own component services. It would be worth investing in better documentation (and more user-friendly APIs, especially for creating/updating patron accounts).

Technical details

Here's an entity relationship diagram for the database tables that store patron information (click to enlarge):

A few notes:

User stories for BCSC integration

  1. As a new patron, I want to register for a library card online so that I can access library resources more easily.
  2. As circulation staff, I want new patrons to pre-register for an account online so that the registration process is more efficient and accessible and patron information is entered quickly and reliably.
  3. As circulation staff, I want to auto-validate current patrons when I renew their accounts so that I don't have to do it manually at the circ desk.
  4. As a library manager, I want patron accounts to be pre-registered/validated to reduce workload at the circ desk and improve reliability of patron information.
  5. As a Co-op service manager, I want patron data to be validated so that I can use it as a basis for other services.
  6. As a malicious user, I want to create fake or unauthorized patron accounts so that I can access library resources illegitimately.

Creating a patron self-registration application

Suppose we wanted to create an application that allowed patrons to request a library card using their BC Services Card. That is, instead of using EG's native patron self-registration UI, we'd have an external app that presents the user with a registration form, populates with their personal data based on their BC Services Card, and then submits that data to Evergreen to create a "pending" patron account (which would then be reviewed and approved by library staff within Evergreen, just like native self-registration).

How does our application submit the patron data to Evergreen? Our best bet is to use the existing infrastructure for native patron self-registration as much as possible – that is, create pending patron accounts in the same way that Evergreen itself does.

Native self-reg uses the API. This endpoint accepts the following parameters:

  1. user (stgu object)
  2. mailing address (stgma object)
  3. billing address (stgma object)
  4. stat cats (array of stgsc objects)
  5. user settings (array of stgs objects)

Only the first parameter (user) is required, the others are optional. The object classes (stgu, stgma, stgsc, stgs) are defined by the fieldmapper.

How do we use this API? There are a few possibilities:

1. We could use it directly, by submitting HTTP requests to the OpenSRF gateway, like so:

https://<domain>/osrf-gateway-v1?[<user object>]

For this to work, our application would need to know how to instantiate Evergreen-specific fieldmapper objects (stgu, etc.) that will be accepted as such when passed to EG via the gateway, which is non-trivial. This is a brittle approach for an external application.

2. We could build BC Services Card integration directly into Evergreen. This is probably not a good idea, since it requires developers to be knowledgeable about both Evergreen and BC Services Card. Also, we want to leave the door open to using our hypothetical patron self-registration application with non-Evergreen library systems.

3. We could create a thin wrapper service in Evergreen that accepts patron data as a JSON blob, translates it into native Evergreen objects, and passes the result to the API. This would mean that our application doesn't have to know anything about Evergreen objects or the fieldmapper. The service could also include some kind of simple "API key" type mechanism that indicates which application provided the patron data; this could be leveraged to speed up the approval process, since BC Services Card-based account requests are presumed to be trustworthy. For simplicity's sake, the service could be exposed as another Evergreen API via the OpenSRF gateway. This would obviously require some Evergreen-specific development, but implementation would not be an enormous project for a knowledgeable Evergreen developer, and the actual self-registration application could be built separately by devs who don't need to have much experience with Evergreen.

4. We could skip the API and allow the application to insert patron data directly into staging.user_stage and related tables in Evergreen's Postgres database.

Matching existing accounts

The staff interface for patron registration checks for duplicates during the registration process: it will present a notification if the provided name, email, or address already exists in Evergreen. The duplicate checks are performed using the API, which will return the IDs of any patron accounts where the fields you specify (e.g. email) are an exact match for the values you specify (e.g. ""). This API requires an auth token, which is basically the session token you receive upon authenticating. It is possible to obtain an auth token via the OpenSRF gateway (see here), but you will need login credentials for a user that has permission to retrieve patron data; only patrons that are accessible to that user will be included in search results.

Many BC public library patrons have their driver's license or BC Services Card number in the ident_value field, but this data is not controlled or validated and we can't guarantee its accuracy.

Further information

More information about Evergreen web services (OpenSRF gateway etc.). Some of this info may be outdated.

Easing Gently into OpenSRF - an overview of how to write an OpenSRF service; provides a good introduction to some OpenSRF concepts and how to use them.

Documentation for new Evergreen developers - very incomplete, but perhaps useful for orientation purposes.

Coop Answers to Questions from March 16 Kickoff Call doc

Further questions from Co-op staff

Docs from Other ILS

While our initial focus is on validating potential Sitka patrons via the BC Services Card, actually making this work will require standing up some sort of SAML server on our end and liasing with the BC Services Card to integrate. There are approx 20 other BC libraries using ±4 other ILS who, if they also wanted to offer validation via the Services Card, would need to standup similar SAML servers. So a secondary goal of this project is to see if we can architect our solution in such a way as it is the sector-wide integration against the Services Card, with us doing integration with the libraries. To that end, I asked other libraries (via the BC Libraries and IT list) to share any API docs they might have that can inform the consultants in architecting a solution. Below is what resulted:

Non-Evergreen ILS in BC Library Name Expressed Interest
Innovative Polaris Coquitlam Public Library x
Okanagan Regional Library
Innovative Sierra Fraser Valley Regional Library x
Richmond Public Library x
Thompson-Nicola Regional District Library
Vancouver Island Regional Public Library
West Vancouver Memorial Library
SirsiDynix Horizon Burnaby Public Library x
Cranbrook Public Library
New Westminster Public Library
North Vancouver District Library
Penticton Public Library
Port Moody Public Library
Surrey Public Library x
Vancouver Public Library x
SirsiDynix SymphonyGreater Victoria Public Library x
North Vancouver City Library
Powell River Public Library
Prince George Public Library