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As part of our effort to migrate to MS365, we tried to map out all the existing sync and google drive file shares, and all of the existing Co-op service and other work groups. Below is a diagram which captures these approximately (note we are aware it omits Sitka and has Support positioned incorrectly)

Out of this we create a number of MS365 Groups and related Teams that will provide the basic ways for you to share

Process to move Your work group into MS365 Sharepoint Groups and Teams App

We have created an MS365 Group and related Team for your workgroup and you are the team lead who will help migrate your existing resources out of Sync and Google docs and into these spaces, and steer your work group as to how you will all collaborate in these new spaces.

Understanding What you will be getting Access To

By default , all of the working groups at the Coop have a Group, which is associated with a Team (yes we know it's confusing, sorry, it's not our fault.)

Your Sharepoint Group gives you:

  • a Sharepoint Site (which can have "pages"),
  • a group mail address (mail to which will show up in Outlook in your group mailboes and by default in your inbox),
  • a group calendar (which will show up in Outlook in the Group calendars area)
  • a shared document library
  • a shared group NoteBook
  • a shared group "Planner" (Kanboard-style PM tool)
  • and finally access to a Team

The Teams app will allow you to create "Channels", all of which can contain

  • a "Posts" chat wall that can also capture all the activity in the team
  • Files specific to that Channel
  • Task lists for that Channel
  • A whiteboard for that Channel
  • a Wiki
  • access to the Synchronous Teams client for calls and video chats
  • and potentially much more as you can add additional apps into Teams as it is an platform that 3rd party developers are developing for

Every workroup at the Co-op (think Support, Systems, Sitka, LibPress, NNELS, Admin etc) will have a related Sharepoint Group site. They will also have a Team. The group site contain the main document library. Think of these as files and folders that are not specific to a single project but instead are relevant acrss the entire group.

Within the related Teams, there is the concept of Channels. By default every Team has a "General" channel created, and it has a filestore assocuated with it. This "General" file area is IDENTICAL to the main Sharepoint document library for the Group as a whole. Then think of any other Channels as being useful for subprojects for the Team - they can have their own associated document libraries and chats, and are a way to focus in on one specific project instead of more general group/team-wide discussions or docs.

You can always access Groups and Teams through the web. You can also access elements of Groups (calendar, group email, files) through associated thick desktop clients like Outlook and OneDrive. And with Teams, there is also always a web view but also the thick Teams desktop application. Ultimately the choice of which to use is yours, however we are often experiencing that the web interfaces have more options, and though they have not said it, it seems clear to us that long-term Microsoft will try to deprecate the thick desktop clients in favour of web-only views (simply due to reducing the number of codebases they need to support.) But for now - if there is something you are finding you can't do in the desktop, you usually can find it in the web interace.

Migrating Files from Sync and Google Drive to Your Group and Team spaces

1st off it can be helpful to have the thick OneDrive client installed. You can do everything through the web but somethings are easier by dragging and dropping on the desktop.

By default Onedrive creates a PERSONAL Onedrive folder on your desktop and on the server. By default these files are NOT shared and are exclusively owned by you. Ideally ANY Co-op file work you are working on will be on files in this folder. Files in this folder can then either be shared by sharing the individual file, or moving the individual file to one of the Sharepoint Group SHAREDd folders.

To begin, go to your main Group site. In the case of the Systems and Web team this is at (the URL for all the Group sites are below).

On the right hand menu is a link to "Documents." Clicking on it takes you to a view of this Groups documents, which are split into two sections - "In Channels" and "In Site Library." As an experiment, feel free to open the "In site Library" section and then hit "Upload" and upload a file. You should see it in the site library list of files. And if you click up to the "In Channel" section and open the "General" channel, you should see the same file there.

<WRAP center round important 60%>

Important Note about using the Thick Desktop Client

If you want the files either here, or in Teams, to show up in your desktop client, then while you are viewing the documents section on the web group, you need to click "Sync" or "Add Shortcut to OneDrive" so that OneDrive knows to copy this folder and its contents down to your desktop (and vice versa, sync anything in those desktop folders back up with the server.) </WRAP>

Exporting Files from Google Drive

If you have files in Google drive that you want to migrate over to MS365, you need to get them out first. The easiest way is to log into Google drive with your web browser, navigate in your drive so that you can see the folder you want to export, and then right click and select "Export." This will download a zip archive of all the files in this folder, with the native Google docs formats converted into Word formats.

Exporting Files From Sync

This is even more straighforward as no "export" from Sync is required - if you are the folder owner, you should have the master copy on your desktop.

Importing these files to MS365 Groups and Team Channels

Uploading these to MS365 is as simple as unzipping this export on your desktop, navigating to the location in MS365 that you want the files to live, and then uploading them there. This can be done in either the web group or via the desktop client if you have asked these group folders to sync. You may want to try it first in the web version, then sync the folder so you can see the files going up into the web group, and then syncing back down via OneDrive.

Once the files are in their Group documents libraries and Teams Channel documents areas, by default they will be shared with members of that group. Please refer to the Files page for more information on how to share files outside of the default group.

Group Sharepoint Sites

Team URL Team Email Address
All Staff
public/ms365/sharepoint_and_team_sites_and_collaboration.1675809460.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/02/07 22:37 by scott.leslie