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Uploading MARC Records to OCLC

Prepare Records for upload

  1. Go to this MARC record set checkout view
  2. Keep all default filters as is, and change the following filters to:
    1. Partner Share = “Any”
    2. Availability/Status = “Produced”
    3. Enter the appropriate dates in the "File uploaded between _ and __ fields." For example, if the last record set uploaded to OCLC included records present on Drupal up to January 26, 2019, for the new upload, locate the records uploaded between 2019-01-27 and 2020-01-22 (the date of the export)
    4. Click Apply
  3. Select all records
  4. You will see the option to select all the records, not just the ones visible on that page, click that button
  5. Click Generate MARC XML export file
  6. Follow Export MARC records from Drupal instructions from step 6 onwards and the instructions Convert from MARC XML to MRC using MarcEdit on the same page
  7. Please read the following section to find out how to name the MRC file

Name the MARC File

  1. The filename contains 3 parts, each separated by a period .:
    1. a 7-digit data sync Collection ID
    2. the OCLC institution symbol CANEL for NNELS, and
    3. optional alphanumeric characters in upper or lower case to identify a particular upload
  2. For regular upload to update NNELS holdings on OCLC, please use the Collection Records Added to WorldCat, with the ID 1031295
  3. Add NNELS' OCLC institution symbol CANEL after the Collection ID: e.g., 1031295.CANEL.
  4. And then add the optional third part to identify the records being uploaded, for example, the date of the last record or record set. In this case, the last record set was exported from Drupal on January 22, 2020. So the filename will be: 1031295.CANEL.20200122.mrc

Upload the MARC File

There are two ways to upload MARC files to OCLC, via WorldShare or via SFTP. WorldShare is more user-friendly. However, when problems occur or when the MARC file is larger than 1GB, please try SFTP.

I. Via WorldShare

  1. On OCLC WorldShare, go to My Files.
  2. Click Uploads.
  3. Click Choose File to retrieve the MARC file from your computer.
  4. Leave File Type as Data sync bibliographic.
  5. Click Upload, and wait for the file to be uploaded, which may take a while.

Note that once the file is uploaded it can't be changed. The best way to contact OCLC staff about the upload is through the Collection's comment form. Comments can be added at any time:

  1. Go to Collection Manager.
  2. Choose Data Sync Collection under Scope.
  3. Enter the Collection ID under Search Term(s).
  4. Click on the Collection Name.
  5. Click Comments, and a pop-up window will appear.


  1. Download FileZilla (or you can use other SFTP sites)
  2. Information for NNELS: Content Coordinator can provide login

Additional Info

Local System Number (LSN)

Field 001 (which contains the Drupal NID) is used as LSN for OCLC. This field is used by OCLC as the Local System Number (LSN) to produce Unresolved Cross Reference and Bibliographic Cross Reference reports that list each OCLC control number across from the LSN. This information can be used to index the OCLC numbers in our local system. Indexing the OCLC control number links our library's records to other WorldCat services (e.g. WorldCat Discovery).

Check Reports

After the file upload, it will usually take OCLC 48 hours to process it. To check the reports:

  1. Go to Metadata > My Files > Downloads > Records and Reports, and choose Filter by "Reports"
  2. If the file has been processed, you will see the reports available for download
  3. Download the text files and open them in Excel, consult OCLC Data sync reports for instructions on how to read them
  4. If there are errors listed in one of the reports, read the following section

Edit Uploaded Records in WorldShare

If there are only a few records with error, it is easy to edit them in WorldShare.

  1. In the following example, there is an error in field 040$b
  2. Note the OCLC call numbers in the report
  3. Go to Metadata > Record Manager and enter the OCLC number in Term(s) to look for the record
  4. Once the record is retrieved, click Actions and choose View/Edit Metadata
  5. Go to the corresponding field, in this case 040, and make the correction. In this example, we replace "jap" with "jpn" in subfield $b
  6. When you are done, click Save and choose Replace Bibliographic Records
public/nnels/cataloguing/oclc/upload-marc-to-oclc.1580506948.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/31 21:42 by lilith