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Writing Tip: Using Point Form Technique

Writing image descriptions can be challenging, and you can often be stuck on where to start or what to describe! This is more common in Complex Images, but can occur in any type of image. This technique was developed with a Production Assistant as a way to help work through any blockers when trying to write image descriptions.

Remember to always follow the General Guidelines and other specific guidelines for writing your descriptions as needed. This is a technique to help you when you are just beginning, have a particularly difficult image, or have writers block

We call this the Point Form Technique and it is fairly straight forward. After you have identified the context of the image, and read the surrounding text, break down the image into smaller parts. Do not worry about grammar, writing full sentences, or even order. Free write everything you notice in the image. The intention with this exercise is to get everything written down so you can push through the initial blocker.

Open up a document and start writing the following in point form:

  • Write a summary sentence (doesn’t have to be perfect)
  • Write everything you see in the image

After you have your list, it is time to refine it into a draft with full sentences and proper structure. Go to the General Guidelines for more about structure and grammar.

To refine your list:

  • Identify the parts of the image that are important given the context
  • Remove any details that are not necessary
  • Organize into logical order
  • Write your list into a full draft!

Starting with a draft can simplify the process, and make it feel less intimidating!

You will still need to edit your draft. Editing is very important process. For Image Descriptions we edit to:

  • Clarify information
  • Improve organization and structure
  • Cut down on redundancy
  • Ensure neutrality

Go to Editing Your Alt-text for more information.

If you have any questions, post your question on the Alt-Text Q&A

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public/nnels/etext/images/writing_tip_point_form.1708460195.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/02/20 20:16 by rachel.osolen