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Complex Images in Picture Books

Sometimes an image in a Picture Book can seem very complex and it can feel overwhelming to describe.

Where do you start?

Remember the guidelines for describing a Medium Image.

Take context into consideration before you start.

A strategy we use is to break the image up into its component parts, and then organize them so that the description makes logical sense.

Group like with like to help tighten up your description and avoid repetition.

You can also use Balanced Sentences. A balanced sentence is made up of two segments which are equal, not only in length, but also in grammatical structure and meaning. This can help organize the information logically and avoid cognitive overload.

For these more challenging images, editing is your friend. For more information go to Editing Alt-Text.


This first example is also a two page spread and an image that is divided into multiple parts. It may seem very overwhelming at first, but we broke it down into smaller parts and described it in logical order. We also sacrificed some detail to keep the narrative going.

[Alt-Text First Image] The image is split in two. The top half is a cityscape, and the bottom half is the water pipes below the ground that lead up to the city. A row of shops line a curved two-lane road that leads deeper into the city. The shop front windows are full of various goods, and a single person walks along the sidewalk looking into the stores. Cars drive up the road. Various buildings of different sizes and pastel colours fill the horizon.

[Alt-Text Second Image] This illustration is the continuation of the one before. The image is split in two. The top half is the continuation of the cityscape, and the bottom half is below the ground with more pipes that lead up to the city. The road passes by a large city park with a winding pathway, trees, and a footbridge over a small creek. People walk or lounge around the park. Two people ride their bikes along the pathway. There is a large fountain beside the pathway. Underground, a single pipe leads up to the fountain.

In this next example, it is from and the characters of the bears have already been established in previous images. The story has the characters walking through nature and observing things, so we can spare some detail to keep the story going in this context.

[Alt-text] A large round pink blanket sits in the grass near the river surrounded by bushes. A group of young boys and girls sit cross-legged in a circle on the blanket. They all have a medium skin tone and dark hair. A male elder stands above them with his hand out as he asks a question. Some of the kids raise their hands. Across the river Spirit Bear and Uncle Huckleberry peak out at the group from behind a blueberry bush.

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public/nnels/etext/kids-books/kb_alt-text/complex_kids.1678218646.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/07 19:50 by rachel.osolen