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Often you will find that your book comes with captions. All captions will have to be reinserted to ensure proper formatting.

Inserting Captions

To insert a caption:

  1. Copy the text for the caption
  2. Right click on the image
  3. Select Insert Caption
  4. Select the appropriate label (Default options are: Figure, Equation, Label. You can also create a new Label called "Photo" if all images in the book are photographs).
  5. Keep the default position as "below selected item"
  6. Type or copy and paste the book's caption in the caption field

If you have Word for Office 365, Word 2016, Word 2013, Word 2010, or Word 2007 here are some alternative instructions on how to insert captions.

Reformatting Caption Style

Once you have successfully inserted your caption you will have to modify the style.

To Modify Caption Style:

  1. In the Style Pane go to the Captions Style
  2. Position you mouse over the Captions Style
    1. This will reveal a small black arrow
  3. Click the Arrow to open up the Drop Menu
  4. Select Modify Style …
  5. This will open up a popup menu called 'Modify Style'
  6. Change the font to Arial 12, remove Italic, and select 'Automatic' for color, and select 'Automatically Update'

After you have modified the style it should stay that way for the rest of your editing.

Sometimes, after you add a caption, you may need to clear formatting from the image once again. Look out for a black dot appearing beside the image; if it appears, select the image and Clear Formatting.
Sometimes the text will be too long to fully copy when you insert the new caption. In this case, after you insert the caption and have modified the style you can copy and paste the remaining text that did not copy the first time. It should automatically match the style. If you have any issues with this please contact another PA for assistance

video tutorial to come

Odd Formatting Issues

Sometimes you will come across a book that has odd formatting. In these cases you still have to ensure the captions are reinserted appropriately. Below are two examples off odd formatting. If you come across any other examples please add them below.


Captions Linked to Another Section

Sometimes you may get a book that has formatted the captions as links to another section of the book. An example of this would be this title

Long Captions that look like eText Paragraphs

When the captions are longer than the standard they can sometimes look like paragraphs in your edited etext. Use the eBook as a point of reference to ensure you select the correct text to insert in the caption.

An example of this would be On Food and Cooking

After the basic formatting was done for the Etext the captions looked like this:

In the eBook version the caption appeared in Italic text.

In this case you have to select the entire paragraph and insert it as you would any other caption.


Q: Instead of using captions, my book has numbered linked text (like endnotes) to a Credits section at the end of the book. Should I cut and paste the credits and use them for captions? Should I keep the Credits section or remove it? UPDATE: Some pictures do have captions, some just the numbered credit link, others have both.

A: I think that's a great approach - instead of the caption linking to the credit text at the back of the book, just use that credit text as the caption itself (using Insert Caption). We can prefix the caption with Credit: [insert credit text]. Then we can remove the Credits section as you suggested.

public/nnels/etext/captions.1533951733.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/08/10 18:42 by rachel.osolen