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Textboxes & Sidebars


The text inside the textbox should be retained without the border. This text should be placed at an appropriate location in the reading order. The textbox should not be inserted as a picture. The words “Textbox starts" and textbox ends" may be inserted at the start and end of the textbox contents. The textbox may contain a heading, if appropriate.

The sidebar text should be placed at an appropriate location in the reading order. The words “Sidebar starts" and Sidebar ends" may be inserted at the start and end of the sidebar contents. The sidebar may contain a heading, if appropriate.

Q & A

Q: When creating sidebars, I did not want to wrap the text in a way that would make the text lose its corresponding associated text, so I selected "In line with text" - all other options seemed to stay in one place no matter what happened with the rest of the text. Was this the correct thing to do? - Jenn

A: When incorporating sidebar content into the main body of the text, we take the contents (sometimes helps to clear formatting) and apply the normal body text style to it. We offset the contents with the text SIDEBAR STARTS and SIDEBAR ENDS. The sidebar content can also consist of a heading(s) if it makes sense to apply that hierarchy. Try to place the content somewhere within the main body so that there's a logical reading order.

Q: Generation X was initially designed in a way to use margins for definitions throughout the book as well as images, etc. I put the definitions in footnotes instead, for now - so they can still correspond with the correct sections of text. Is there a better method? (I kept the images in the main body of the text though - for the images that were just words, I typed the words in the main body). -Jenn

A: We should treat the text in the sidebar as sidebar content and not as footnotes. You should insert the text where it makes most sense in the main body and use Sidebar starts and Sidebar ends. If the sidebar content consists of images then move the images to an appropriate part of the text and apply Alt Text. Let us know if this part still isn't clear!

public/nnels/etext/textboxes_and_sidebars.1503342956.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/08/21 12:15 by farrah.little