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Adding books to collections in Drupal

NNELS has various collections, which can be browsed here: Browse by Collection.

Most of our collections are based on literary award prizes, like the Governor General's Literary Awards, as well as library reading clubs, like the BC Summer Reading Club.

For every title that we publish on NNELS that is part of one of these awards or reading programs, we need to ensure we add a "collections tag" to the record.

To add a collection tag to a record in Drupal:

  1. Go the the record's page (node)
  2. Click Edit
  3. Select the Relations tab on the left side of the page
  4. Add a "relation" or "collection" by
    1. selecting IsPartOf under DC Relation Qualifiers
    2. entering the name of the collection that it should be part of under Value(term)
      1. if the collection already exists, select it from the list of pop-up terms
      2. if the collection does not yet exist, enter the name of the collection following the same naming conventions as previous collections of its type
  5. Click Save
  6. You should see the collection tag appear on the record's main page in the Details area under Collection(s)/Series. If you click on the link it will take you to other titles also part of that collection.
public/nnels/cataloguing/add-books-to-collections.1556897392.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/05/03 15:29 by farrah.little