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Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are incredibly useful, and when used correctly, will help save time and preserve sanity.

The table below offers a list of suggested Keyboard Shortcuts. Some of these were default, but most of them needed to be created. When you are customizing your keyboard, and "Press a new Keyboard Shortcut", it will tell you if the shortcut you have input has already been assigned. If it has, you can either leave it as is, and choose another keyboard shortcut, or you can Assign it to the command. If you do this, you must navigate to the Command for which it was already assigned to, and remove the keyboard shortcut from this command.

Make sure you hit "Assign", and not just "OK" after inputting a new keyboard shortcut. I definitely made this mistake more than once and was very confused about why my shortcuts were not working!

You will be able to assign many keyboard shortcuts using the Tools>Customize Keyboard… dialog. If you want to assign a shortcut to a style that you have created, then you will need to access the dialog through the drop-down menu in the Modify Styles dialog box.

This list of shortcuts is what I use. You may prefer different shortcuts. I did find that Command + Option + 4/5/6/7/8/9/0 were unassigned, and therefore easy to apply.

Command Windows Shortcut Mac Shortcut
Styles Heading 1 Alt+Ctrl+1 Command + Option + 1
Heading 2 Alt+Ctrl+2 Command + Option + 2
Heading 3 Alt+Ctrl+3 Command + Option + 3
Normal Command + Option + 4
Quote Command + Option + 5
Normal + Non-decorative break Command + Option + 6
Emphasis Command + Option + i
Strong Command + Option + s
Language Command + Option + 8
Clear Formatting Command + Option + x
Inserting Insert Endnote Command + Option + e
Insert Picture (Opens dialog) Command + Shift + i
Tools & Views Advanced Find and Replace Command + Option + f
Navigation Pane Command + Option + 0 (zero)
Styles Pane Command + Option + S
public/nnels/etext/keyboard-shortcuts.1503949827.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/08/28 19:50 (external edit)