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Under Construction

We retain all hyperlinks.

We only remove hyperlinks for indexes with page numbers.

You will need to check to make sure the link works. To edit a hyperlink:

  • Right click on the link to open the menu
  • Select Hyperlink>Edit Hyperlink
  • This will open a new window
  • Make sure there correct URL is in the address box under the Web Page or File tab

If you have hyperlinks in the document, changing their display text to ordinary language can make them much easier to understand for users who rely on screen reading programs.

This step is explained in the video – Create accessible links

  • Right click the hyperlink on the page.
  • Then choose Edit hyperlink.
  • In the Text to display box, type a description and click OK.

When adding display text, avoid phrases like “Click here” or “Learn more”. Screen Reading software users rely on list of hyperlinks to browse the document. If the display text for all those links is the same generic phrase, such users will not be able to differentiate between the purpose of the hyperlinks

We still receive patron requests for DAISY books. If it is a DAISY request you will remove all links.

If the Request is for DAISY there will be a note within the ticket of the title.

Hyperlinks must be removed, or unlinked, for conversion to DAISY. The URL text without the links can be retained.

Even after following the instructions below, links can sometimes be oddly persistent. Be sure to hover over each URL you see to make sure that it is not still a hyperlink - even if the text is "Normal" Style and not blue, the link may still be hiding.

in Word

  1. Ctrl+A to select all text
  2. Ctrl+shift+F9 to remove all hyperlinks

in Word for Mac

  1. Cmd+A to select all text
  2. Cmd+6 to remove hyperlinks (may need to adjust text colour if it stays blue)

in LibreOffice

  1. Select one of the items in the document that contains a hyperlink. Open the context menu and select "Remove Hyperlink."
  2. Press CTRL+Ato select the entire document.
  3. Press CTRL+SHIFT+Y to "Repeat: Reset attributes
public/nnels/etext/links.1591628795.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/08 15:06 by rachel.osolen