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Math Equations

This page will explain how to create accessible math equations in MS Word

There is a new way to insert accessible math equations into a Word Document using Mathpix.

You can download the app here.

You will need to create an account, but it is free to use.

Creating Accessible Equations with Mathpix

Under Construction

Create a place holder in the text of your word document for where you will later insert your accessible equations. We recommend using three asterisks ***.

Once you are ready to create your equations, you can snip and insert them using the Mathpix app.

  • Ensure you have both your Word document and the original ebook are open
  • Login and Open Mathpix
  • To select a new equation hit ctrl+alt+m or ctrl+cmmd+m or you can select the snip icon in the top left corner of the app.
public/nnels/etext/math.1614380821.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/02/26 23:07 by rachel.osolen