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Footnotes / Endnotes

If we insert notes correctly in Word, they will be converted nicely to DAISY XML. Accessible reading systems will be able to identify them as notes and readers can choose to ignore or skip over the notes, if they choose, so that the narrative flow is not interrupted.

Inserting Notes

If your book has notes, insert them as follows regardless of how they appear in the original source.

  1. Go to Insert in the menu bar (MS Office 2010 Word: Under the References tab, click the button for the pop-out menu in the Footnotes area. This will open the dialog window shown below.)
  2. Select Footnotes
  3. Ensure your settings are as shown in the image below. All notes must be endnotes and be placed at end of document and be continuous.
  4. Do not create a new heading for the notes section. A heading before the section break will not be associated with the content after the section break. A heading 1 section called Notes will be created directly in the XML.

After ensuring that your endnote settings are correct, be sure to save your time by using the keyboard shortcut for inserting Endnotes! Word for Mac uses COMMAND + Option + E, and MS Office Word 2010 uses ALT + CTRL + D. For more information about using and customizing keyboard shortcuts, click here.
Sometimes, you will get a book that uses both numbered footnotes or endnotes as well as some marked by symbols such as an asterisk, a dagger (†), double dagger (‡), or something else. These should just be treated the same as any other endnotes.


When a Word document becomes a DAISY book, all notes will automatically convert to endnotes at the end of the document with continual numbering, regardless of how they are formatted in the Word document. For example, if you insert endnotes at the end of every chapter and the note numbering restarts every chapter in the Word document, the conversion process will move all of these notes to the end of the book and use continual numbering.

To decrease the errors encountered during DAISY conversion and playback, we ensure our e-text version of the book follows the DAISY format for notes (as in the instructions above).

Do not apply any additional formatting to the notes as this may cause issues with conversion to XML.


Q: Another ePub, another novel approach to Citing… Instead of using numbered notes, this book (Better Now: Six Big Ideas…) includes the phrase from the text that the citation is associated with. Could I insert endnotes in the appropriate places, so that this text is navigable? It is particularly confusing because the text in the citation section does not correspond exactly with the text in the body (e.g. "My remarks ended just shy of the five-minute mark" in the Citations section vs. "My remarks ended just shy of my allotted five minutes" in the text)

A: "A novel approach" is an appropriate euphemism :) Yes, whenever possible, we should stick with using the endnote approach as it's much more functional. So, like you say, we can insert a note reference in the appropriate place in-text. The note can then just contain the actual source information without the body text; for example: National Cable Satellite Corporation (C-SPAN). (2014). C-Span – International Health Care Models. www.​c-​span.​org/​video/​?c4486943/​cspan-​inter​natio​nal-​health-​care-​models.

Q: Island of the Blue Foxes uses a style of endnotes that refers to page numbers instead of to endnote numbers. Because of this, should I retain the page numbers in the book? If so, this might be difficult because the ePub version does not note page separation.

A: We can insert the endnotes as usual, and keep the endnote content as is. As you say, the epub doesn't retain page numbers either, so there's no way of knowing where the page breaks are without consulting the print book.

Q: Just to add to the previous question about Island of the Blue Foxes: What if there are no numbered references to the end notes? They *only* reference the page number where it appears in the book…

A: I took at look at the Island of the Blue Foxes, and there appear to be no in-text notes at all in the book. If that's correct, then we can create a Notes section (H1) which contains the listing of the print notes (just as in the EPUB). This would be just Normal text with H2s for the chapter/section dividers. Does that make sense? Unfortunately we have to work with what the EPUB gives us, and some publishers do strange things.

Q: My current book has both endnotes and asterisk style footnotes. Can you suggest how I might deal with this?

A: We can handle the asterisk style footnotes (annotations) as if they are endnotes.

public/nnels/etext/notes.1530306007.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/29 21:00 by leah.brochu