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MP3 to DAISY Questions

Have any questions about how to use Converter Plus for MP3 to DAISY conversion? Questions about how to name a particular track? Confused about how to reorder tracks? Anything else related to the workflow? Please post them below.

If you have an issue that is file specific, please use the Hand to Rachel function, so she can look at the file and help solve the issue.

If you come across an error or bug, please use Report Tracker.

Q: I am working on Literatures, Communities, and Learning: Conversations with Indigenous Writers and I have two questions.

My first question relates to end notes. This audio book has three endnote sections - one for the intro, one for the interviews and one for the conclusions. Currently, each endnote section is its own track. I'm not sure how to proceed. Should I keep them as their own track? If so, should I give them a heading 1 title (matching what the narrator says i.e. "Introduction Endnotes" or is it more appropriate to have a heading 2 title for those sections?

My second question relates to combining tracks. Each chapter of the book is an interview between the editor and an individual, and each chapter has a long intro section before the "Our Conversation" section. Currently the intro track and the conversation tracks are separate. Should I keep these as separate tracks? If so, I'm wondering about the appropriate headings. Currently I'm following this pattern (Based on what the narrator is saying):

Intro track:

Heading 1: "Being Able to Tell Stories from the North" a Conversation with Richard Van Camp Heading 2: [None]

Conversation track:

Heading 1: Heading 2: Our Conversation

—- Q: I just have a question about naming tracks. In the book I'm working on (Nyxia Unleashed), each chapter has a title and a subtitle. The subtitle indicates the character voice for that chapter. The narrator reads the title and subtitle together at the beginning of each chapter. But the table of contents I found online for the book only includes the chapter titles. So I'm just wondering whether I should be including the subtitle in the track names?

A:In this case match what the narrator says.

public/nnels/mp3todaisy/qanda.1623804363.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/06/15 17:46 by hillary.valgardson